New airfield layout and custom services
Airfield “Stipe Kristo” has officially got two new runways. New asphalt runway and one emergency grass runway have past the inspection and they are ready to use. In section Aerodrom […]
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Welcome To Soaring Paradise
Airfield “Stipe Kristo” has officially got two new runways. New asphalt runway and one emergency grass runway have past the inspection and they are ready to use. In section Aerodrom […]
Dear pilots, on this LINK you can find first SGP LIVNO 2019 Bulletin.
Najljepša vijest za Božić i Novu godinu je stigla na adresu Aerokluba Livno, poslana iz FAI Gliding committee (Međunarodna zrakoplovna federacija). Prihvaćena je kandidatura Aerokluba Livno za organizaciju kvalifikacijske utrke […]